Mastodon Nachhilfe italian, language KT1 3 Surrey, + Practising Certification for the Italian Psychologist Profession Register (The Italian Register of, Surrey Russian, Russian Nachhilfe in Surrey : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Russian Surrey

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Suche: Russian in Surrey  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Surrey

Nachhilfe italian, language Native

ID 8008
aus KT1 3 Surrey
italian, language
+ Practising Certification for the Italian Psychologist Profession Register (The Italian Register of Chartered Psychologist) awarded by University of Rome “La Sapienza” + Years Italian University Degree in “Work and Organisational Psychology” awarded by University “La Sapienza” of Rome (Italy) (Equivalent of Bachelor plus Master Degree) - (Final Mark**/110) DEGREE THESIS Theoretical part: (General Empowerment – Organisational Empowerment and Human Resources Management) Practical part: Planning an Em
My tutor experience: Sep 04/ Mar 05 – TUTORSHIP - PROFESSIONAL POST GRADUATE APPRENTICESHIP – Company: Institute for the Public Administration Managers Training – Under the council of Ministers Presidentship ( *w* it) &#*; A)Analysis and Report about Teachers’ teaching style &#*; B)Analysis and Report about Manager/learners group dynamics &#*; C)Analysis and Report about Teacher/Learners interaction &#*; D)Final Report about the course assessment made by Learners and Teachers &#*; Problem solving assistance to Teachers and Learners &#*; Management of administrative documents related the training course &#*; Management of the training setting &#*; Contacting Teachers by phone, mail, fax, e-mail to prepare lecture notes on CDs and paper &#*; Studying bibliographical material about Training and Tutorship Final Project work: Creating and using a specific board to report in a unique form the information of activities A) B) C) D) My Trainer experience: Oct 05/Dec 05 – TRAINER – Company: MST – Management and Territory Development Soc.Coop. A.r.l. – Rome/Italy ( *w* it) Planning and teaching the module (55 hours) called “Business Organization” as part of the professional training course for graduates about “Tourism Marketing) Topics developed: &#*; Objectives; Culture, Working cycle, Structure of a Business Organization &#*; Conditions of the Personnel and Organization Welfare &#*; Patterns of Human Resources Management &#*; Power and Leadership in working contexts &#*; What is a Business Plan Course Aspects: &#*; Active teaching Methodology &#*; Educational techniques: Study of working cases, simulation games, workshop, tests, Final exam. &#*; Learners’ assessment form about their course satisfaction and suggestions. &#*; Teaching aids: Power Point slides projection, lectures notes on CDs and paper, whiteboard.
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