Mastodon Nachhilfe Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Science, English, English language, English as a foreign additional sec NW5 London, Upper second class BSc degree in Molecular Biology (obtained at Queen Mary University of London) MS, London Literature, Literature Nachhilfe in London : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Literature London

Es geht evtl. um mehrere Themen(?):

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 43140 London in Ohio | 25126 London in West Virginia | 40741 London in Kentucky | 40743 London in Kentucky | 40750 London in Kentucky | 40742 London in Kentucky | 40745 London in Kentucky | 40744 London in Kentucky | 72847 London in Arkansas | 76854 London in Texas | W1H London in England | SW1X London in England | W1B London in England | W1C London in England | W1D London in England | W1F London in England | W1G London in England | W1J London in England | W1K London in England | W1S London in England
Suche: Literature in London  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in London

Nachhilfe Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Science, En... Biology(GCSE, A-level (AS & A2), undergraduate, postgraduate), Chemistry (...

ID 8529
aus NW5 London
Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Science, English, English language, English as a foreign additional second language, English as a foreign language
Upper second class BSc degree in Molecular Biology (obtained at Queen Mary University of London) MSc degree in Bioinformatics (obtained at Imperial College) CELTA (obtained at Oxford House College)
Biology(GCSE, A-level (AS & A2), undergraduate, postgraduate), Chemistry (GCSE, A-level (AS & A2)), Physics (GCSE), Science (SAT, GCSE), English (all levels)
I am good at preparing suitable materials and ensuring that students can benefit from them, I am capable of structuring appropriate lesson sequences, I am a decent communicator as well as very patient and comfortable with explaining things as many times as necessary, I respect everyone's individuality and wish to try and make them make the most of their abilities, I respect every culture and I am non-prejudiced against people of any background, I am overall friendly and approachable, with a sense of humour (without getting too close to students either).
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ab ~11 €/h  info
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