Mastodon Nachhilfe French BS2 0FB Bristol, * + : Bachelor\'s Degree in French language and culture + * + : Master\'s Degree of French as a fore, Bristol French, French Nachhilfe in Bristol : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe French Bristol

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Suche: French in Bristol  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Bristol

Nachhilfe French All levels

ID 34169
aus BS2 0FB Bristol
* + : Bachelor\'s Degree in French language and culture + * + : Master\'s Degree of French as a foreign language at the University of Nice in France + * 2008: First Year of Master of French literature at the University of Provence in aix-En-Provence in France
All levels
Teaching is my passion, I think I would have to say that teaching is in my blood as my both parents are teachers!rnI am convinced that every student has a potential and as a teacher, it is my main role to find it and to discover how to fulfill it My approach is to motivate students, to share with them my passion for a French language and culture During my lessos I encourage students with new supports, I mix all the skills using different materials, I develop conversation and grammar skills, always in a context, and I develop cultural issues which is very important learning a new language- developing of the French understanding, being aware of cultural differences as well as similarities The most important task of each tutor is to make student gain confidence while being conscious that every learner is different and approaches the language from different angles. Being a tutor means to adapt your methods to the needs of every single student.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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