Mastodon Nachhilfe English, German, Russian Sharjah,dubai, Bachelor in Interpreting and Teaching of Foreign Languages(English,German and Russian), Sharjah,dubai : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Sharjah,dubai

Suche: Sharjah,dubai  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe Sharjah,dubai

Nachhilfe in English, German, Russian

ID 31989
aus Sharjah,dubai
English, German, Russian
Bachelor in Interpreting and Teaching of Foreign Languages(English,German and Russian)
Beginners,pupils of schools,students of colleges and universities,business people
I am a qualified interpreter and teacher, with an experience in teaching English, Russian and German, postgraduate of the State University. I provide private classes for the beginners, pupils of high and elementary schools, students of universities. My system of teaching is unique with each student. I create a personal program of studying for each student after the first test, according to his knowledge and ability to learn the language. This way of teaching helps us to achieve the best and quick results in learning the language. I guarantee that my students will learn the language fast, and the process of learning it will be interesting for both of us. My course includes: -conversation, -listening to the native speakers, understanding and writing, -ability to think in English-Russian-German, -grammar, -ability to think in the language, which you are learning, -for the beginners: unique PC \"in person\"program, which helps to learn the language from the native speaker, -perfect pronunciation -phonetics and practice.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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