Mastodon Nachhilfe Deutsch 08002 Barcelona, native german speaker, english C1 level, studying primary school education, teached in many differen, Barcelona : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Barcelona

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 35283 Barcelona in Durango | 35256 Barcelona in Durango | 34167 Barcelona in Durango | 22430 Barcelona in San Martín | 59410-000 Barcelona in Rio Grande Do Norte | 08034 Barcelona in Cataluna | 08017 Barcelona in Cataluna | 08040 Barcelona in Cataluna | 08028 Barcelona in Cataluna | 08022 Barcelona in Cataluna | 08014 Barcelona in Cataluna | 08035 Barcelona in Cataluna | 08029 Barcelona in Cataluna | 08021 Barcelona in Cataluna | 08038 Barcelona in Cataluna | 08023 Barcelona in Cataluna | 08006 Barcelona in Cataluna | 08036 Barcelona in Cataluna | 08015 Barcelona in Cataluna | 08039 Barcelona in Cataluna
Suche: Barcelona  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe Barcelona

Nachhilfe in Deutsch

ID 317465
aus 08002 Barcelona
native german speaker, english C1 level, studying primary school education, teached in many different classes/schools (internships), teached in a class with focus on children with another native language than german - tutoring (internship)
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Hola, Hello and Hallo! Me llamo Leni y soy de Austria pero ahora me estudiando en Barcelona durante un año. Hablo un poco de español pero ingles y aleman con fluidez. I'm studying primary school teacher so I'll bring a lot of different experiences, didactics and methodologies with me. Therefore I teached a lot in different classrooms, I have a lot of material that can be provided or adapt to the students content that needs to be improved. I am really looking forward to get a message from you! , -)

Warum mir Nachhilfe Spaß macht?
I really enjoy to meet new people and to help them to improve their german. I also like to share my knowledge about methodology and pedagogics by adapting it perfectly to the learning-strategy, the student uses or better said, needs :-)
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