Mastodon Nachhilfe Maths, Physics 6151 Kensington, Kensington Physics, Physics Nachhilfe in Kensington : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Physics Kensington

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 44427 Kensington in Ohio | 20895 Kensington in Maryland | 20891 Kensington in Maryland | 56343 Kensington in Minnesota | 66951 Kensington in Kansas | W8 Kensington in England | 6151 Kensington in Western Australia | 5068 Kensington in South Australia | 3031 Kensington in Victoria | 4670 Kensington in Queensland | 2033 Kensington in New South Wales | 1465 Kensington in New South Wales | 7943 Kensington in Canterbury | 0145 Kensington in Northland
Suche: Physics in Kensington  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Kensington

Nachhilfe Physics TEE

ID 28368
aus 6151 Kensington
Maths, Physics
Nachhilfe Profilbild
I am a first year student at Curtin University – studying Actuarial Science. I recently completed TEE myself, achieving a TER of 98.15 and scaled scores of 87.3, 84.2 and 81.6 respectively in Applicable Maths, Calculus and Physics. I thoroughly enjoy teaching, and am interested in assisting in study, text/exam preparation and homework for TEE Applicable Maths, Calculus, Intro Calc, G&T and Physics. I have a variety of study guides and past exam papers to work through with students, as well as requesting that students bring their own past tests so that I can work through corrections with them. I am available Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons $30/hr
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Viel Erfolg!

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