Mastodon Nachhilfe Physics, Chemistry, Math, yr 8-12, Human Biology, Science, yr 8-10 6019 Perth, Law/Commerce Degree at UWA - in progress, Perth : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Perth

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: K7H Perth in Ontario | 58363 Perth in North Dakota | PH1 Perth in Scotland | 6000 Perth in Western Australia | 6800 Perth in Western Australia | 6809 Perth in Western Australia | 6817 Perth in Western Australia | 6820 Perth in Western Australia | 6827 Perth in Western Australia | 6830 Perth in Western Australia | 6001 Perth in Western Australia | 6837 Perth in Western Australia | 6838 Perth in Western Australia | 6839 Perth in Western Australia | 6840 Perth in Western Australia | 6841 Perth in Western Australia | 6842 Perth in Western Australia | 6843 Perth in Western Australia | 6844 Perth in Western Australia | 6845 Perth in Western Australia
Suche: Perth  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe Perth

Nachhilfe in Physics, Chemistry, Math, yr 8-12, Human Biology, Science, yr 8-10

ID 24105
aus 6019 Perth
Physics, Chemistry, Math, yr 8-12, Human Biology, Science, yr 8-10
Law/Commerce Degree at UWA - in progress
High School
Hello, My name is Kristina, and I am a full time Law/Commerce student at UWA. I graduated from Churchlands SHS last year, with a TER of 98. In my final year I studied the following subjects: Human Biology (A), Chemistry(A), Physics(A), Applicable Math(A) and English(B). I have a full set of detailed notes for Chemistry, Physics and Human Biology for both years: 11 and 12. I also have a large collection of study guides and textbooks that I could loan to my students. I can also provide tution for year 8-10 Science and Math.
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