Mastodon Nachhilfe English, Maths, History, Geography, Science, Social Studies, EVS, Special Education 11001 DELHI, B.A M.A B.Ed Advanced Specfial Education Qualificationsfor Learning Disabilities. 35 years' Teac, DELHI Technisches, Technisches Nachhilfe in DELHI : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Technisches DELHI

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Suche: Technisches in DELHI  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in DELHI

Nachhilfe English, Maths, History, Geography, Scie... English-Primary and Secondary, Maths-Primary, Science-Secondary, History- ...

ID 20372
aus 11001 DELHI
English, Maths, History, Geography, Science, Social Studies, EVS, Special Education
B.A M.A B.Ed Advanced Specfial Education Qualificationsfor Learning Disabilities. 35 years' Teaching Experience 15 year's experience as Principal of a School +
English-Primary and Secondary, Maths-Primary, Science-Secondary, History- Primary and Secondary, Geography- Primary and Secondary, Social Studies- Primary and S
I have extensive experience working with children of all ages and learning abilities. I am able to work on a one on one basis as well as in a group. I am very experienced in identifying a child's individual needs and am able to identify their greatest strengths and build on their intrinsic potential. My strengths are: helping a child learn to develop the skills to cope in a regular classroom evironment and develop excellent communication skills and confidence.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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